I was born in Mexico city, Mexico and moved to the USA in 1982. I played music professionally for more than twenty years and during that time I took photography as a hobby. I learned to develop my own Photos, and was the band's Photographer. In 1993 I made a transition to preschool teacher working for a private preschool for three years and for the Head Start program until 2013. I have continued doing photography since then and have done; baby portraits, head-shots, performance photography, events and landscapes. At the moment I am the official photographer for Los Angeles Ballet Academy and do all the special events, performance photography and audition Photos for the students. I recently obtain my BS in Information technology and Web-design. I designed, and built Los Angeles Ballet Academy web-site, and I am the web-master. I am proficient in HTML, CSS, Javascript, and I have built websites in Wordpress, Joomla and Drupal. If you are looking for an experienced photographer or a web designer, E-mail me at Iker Gutierrez or call me at 818-268-6901 for a consultation. You can also follow me on the links above.